Friday, March 10, 2017

Diabetes tung acupuncter points

                 Diabetes 糖尿病

1. XiaSanHuang 下三皇 (77.18, 19, 21) (with medially perpendicular insertion of the needle), together with
TongShen 涌泉 (88.09) if great thirst occurs. 针涌泉、下三皇(针向内斜刺)。口渴加针通肾
The commonest method of Chinese medicine to treat diabetes is to "invigorate Qi nourish Yin," or rather,
invigorating Qi of the spleen and lung and nourishing the kidney Yin. Diabetes is likely to occur when both the
spleen and the kidney are deficient and most diabetes patients have deficiency of the spleen and the kidney.
Thirst is a symptom of kidney deficiency. ShenGuan and TianHuang are quite effective for the disease. According
to JingXuePian (On meridians and Points), TianHuang is the main point for diabetes. When TianHuang which is
the water point of the spleen meridian and coincides with YinLingQuan of the spleen meridian, is used together
with ShenGuan (point-coupling technique) they can "reinforce both the spleen and kidney." XiaSanHuang are also
very effective and TongShen can be added if thirst occurs. ChengJiang and YangChi (SJ 4) from the fourteen regular
meridians are also effective. ChengJiang is the Hui-meeting point of the Conception Vessel and can invigorate Yin;
it is also at the crossing point of the YangMing meridians of hand and foot, and so it can regulate the low of Qi
and blood; through the crossing point of the stomach and large intestine meridians, it is internally and externally
related to the lung and the spleen, and therefore it can invigorate the two organs, reinforce Qi and nourish Yin.
Since it is a point that can reinforce both Qi and Yin, it is a good point for diabetes. As for YangChi of the triple
energizer meridian, Japanese has said, "in systemic treatment, YangChi and ZhongWan are absolutely
indispensable, and stimulating YangChi has the effect of regulating the functions of the internal organs.
According to YiZongJinJian, YangChi is the main point for diabetes since it can regulate the Qi of the triple
energizer. YangChi is the Yuan-source point and an earth point, and since a Yuan-source point correspond with
Qi stored between the kidneys, it can regulate Qi and reinforce the kidney. YangChi is the point that the Japanese
use most frequently, and since it is connected with the triple energizer through the kidney, it can reinforce the
kidney. Also, since it is an earth point, it can reinforce both the spleen and the kidney. It is generally believed that
in treating diabetes, one should reinforce the spleen and nourish Yin and herbs for warming Yang is seldom used.
This is also the case with acupuncture, as "the principles used in pharmacotherapy also apply to acupuncture."
Chinese drug recipes for the disease include MaiWeiDiHuangTang (Decoction of Radix Ophiopogonis, Fructus
Schisandrae Chinensis and Radix Rehmanniae), which is effective for nourishing Yin, but not so effective for
invigorating the spleen Qi. Therefore, HuangQi and DangShen should be added. In addition, other herbs can also
be added, like ZhiMu, XuanShen (Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis) and TianMaFen (Radix Trichosanthis
Kirilowii) for clearing away fire, DanShen for activating blood circulation, and BaiZhu (Radix Atractylodis) for
invigorating spleen. Thus these twelve or thirteen kinds of drugs form a very good recipe for diabetes. As long as
insulin is not used in the treatment, Chinese medicine treatment is very effective for diabetes even if the blood
sugar level is three to four hundred. The therapeutic effect is achieved very quickly for those with the blood
sugar level of one to two hundred. Some patients whose blood sugar level is three to four hundred have the
normal blood sugar level after receiving treatment for several months. When diabetes is accompanied by
hypertension, apoplexy is likely to occur. In such a case, BaiHuJiaRenShenTang (White Tiger Decoction with
Radix Ginseng) and GeGengQinLianTang (Radix Puerariae, Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis and Rhizoma Coptidis)
can be used in combination, the former for diabetes and the latter for hypertension. The two recipes used
together are quite effective.
It is sometimes said that both cancer and diabetes are incurable. However, some cancer and diabetes patients can
live to eighty or ninety. Diet control is very important for diabetes patients, and besides a balanced diet, exercise
is also very important. Acupuncture and herbs are effective for diabetes, but if no due attention is paid to diet
and exercise, recurrence may follow, making it difficult to cure the disease.

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