Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sujok six ki

Six Energies

The nature of Six Energies

(1) Wind
(2) Heat
(3) Hotness
(4) Humidity
(5) Dryness
(6) Coldness

fundamental energies of body. These fundamental energies are give life to our body and all internal organs and external body parts.


                Wind Energy

1. This energy is responsible for movements.
Movement of blood,
movement of joints.
body parts ,organs is due to presence of wind energy in them.

2.This energy is responsible for growth at early stages.
Growth of new born child,
starting stage of any disease etc

3.Its emotion is -Anger.

4. it represents muscular system in our body.

5.-Lack of concentration is also a characteristics of wind energy

.6.It's residence is in Liver and Gall bladder.

7. Its representative color is-Green. It means this color absorbs or increases the power of wind energy.

In short- any problem related to   growth,
sudden change,
movement of joints,
body parts,
concentration is related to Wind Energy.

                Heat Energy

1.This energy dominates circulation system in our body.
circulation system includes heart,veins and arteries and blood.

2.It is responsible for second stage of growth in human life cycle(.Growth of child from childhood stage to a teenager stage)

3.It's Emotion is Joy.

4.It represents- Desire-at mental level.
5.It represents- Bitter- taste.

6.Its representative color is- Red.

7. This energy lives in -Heart and Small Intestine. and gives warmth to our body.

This energy makes every thing energetic,produces feeling of joy,a strong desire to carryout activities a person having excessive heat energy -does what he want.

His wisdom decreases,his sense of  judgment is lost and he becomes more ambitious.
Heat is of aggressive nature,likes expansion.
Forming of gas in stomach is also due to this heat energy.

            HOTNESS ENERGY

1.This energy controls Nervous System and Endocrine System in our body.

2.It represents - Full growth stage as a life cycle

3.It's Emotion -Happiness.4.It represents- Ambition -at mental level.

5.It represents- Bitter- taste.

6.It's representative color is- Orange.

7. This energy lives in -Brain and Spinal chord.

Symptoms of excessive hotness energy- sweating, thirst, loss of power. uneasiness, lossof will power and gas trouble in stomach.

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