Monday, September 5, 2016

Things to do for a good digestion and a healthy life

Things to do for a good digestion and a healthy life

One should eat only when one feels hungry. When one doesn’t feel hungry even for a day or two, there is nothing to worry about it.. Simply keep on drinking ordinary water (or) luke warm water till one feels hungry. This will help in the effective removal of toxins in the body.

          Whenever one eats, the  food should include all the six tastes.  ie. Sweetness,Bitterness, Sourness, Saltishness, Pungency, Astringency. Why should one  have it like this? Each taste is associated with a particular organ. As soon as the tongue starts feeling different tastes, the various organs associated with them are energized. For example, sweetness is associated with stomach & spleen, sourness is associated with liver and eyes. That is why when one tastes sourness, the eyes automatically shrink.

          Among the six tastes, sweetness should be tasted first. This will help prepare the stomach and spleen  for digesting the food and it will get digested continuously while one is  eating. One  should munch well any food by keeping the lips closed. This will help in the effective mixing of saliva in the mouth. Anything taken in, along with saliva will easily get absorbed in the body.

          While eating one should not talk, read books or watch TV programmes. When one  don’t concentrate on

eating, then the enzymes necessary for digestion may not secrete properly. Thus hampering digestion. So,

while eating, full attention should be on eating only.

          One should not-drink water ½ hour before, during and ½ hour after a meal. That means during a meal, roughly for about 1 ½ hours one should not drink water. Suppose if one feels dryness in the throat before a meal then what should be done? One should keep the thumb and index finger in ‘chin mudra’ and the other fingers flat. Now take a little water in the palm and taste it, three times. This will take care of a dry throat.

          One should eat only after 45 minutes  of a bath. If food is taken before bath, then one should take bath only after 2 ½ hours  (or) otherwise the digestion will be affected. The fact of the matter is, the body temperature will always be maintained at 37oc or 98.4oF by an organ called Triple Warmer in our body. This is irrespective of the place we live in. So taking bath will definitely affect this equilibrium. The body needs some time to adjust to this situation.

          . One should wash the face, hands and legs before each meal. This will energize the entire body by activating the acupressure points associated with these places, which will help  in the digestive process.

          While taking a meal one should sit with folded legs. Why should one do it like this? Because when one eats, more blood circulation  is needed above and not below the hip. Legs need more blood circulation only during standing and walking. Whenever one sits on the floor, a chair or sofa, it is better to  sit with folded legs

           Stop  eating as soon as one hears the first belching sound.

          Drink only ordinary water (no MINERAL WATER PLEASE.) DIRECTLY OR  after keeping it in a mud pot for some time. Those who have heavy stomach or constipation drink  two cups of lukewarm water before going to bed and again in the morning in empty stomach. This will help in the easy discharge of stools

         Before each meal one should thank God for giving us the food.

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