Monday, April 25, 2016

Sujok Acupuncter six ki...


The universe is full of Six Ki.

They surround us and exist inside of our bodies. The Six Ki affects our mind and body, can make us healthy or sick.

When the Six Ki are well harmonized and in balance, the individual enjoys a state of health, but when they are out of balance and a state of disharmony develops.

The Six Ki are classified as

★Wind energy
★Heat energy
★Hotness energy
★Humidity energy
★Dryness energy
★Coldness energy

There is no life on the sun due to an imbalance of Six Ki,

★ Heat and Wind Six Ki are dominant.

There is also no life on the moon, as the disharmony of Six Ki is caused by the absence of wind energy.

When there is no harmony, there can be no life. On the earth, the Six Ki are balanced and the human being may exist. 

The Six Ki constitution is a particular structure of deficiency and excessiveness formed by 12 meridians or internal organs, according to the Yin – Yang and Five Element principle, which manifests itself on the Six Ki level.

The Five - Element is a metaphysical order of the universe. In the human body, it is the metaphysical basis and composing part of the individual organism.

It is a force that retains a certain order and determines sequences of interaction with in the body and mind. This force not only governs internal interaction but also establishes the current position of an individual within the universe.

All phenomena in the universe may be classified in to five categories which are described by five conceptions:
Metal  and

★The five Element categories are interconnected, interdependent, and influence each other. They are always in a state of movement and inter development. The Five Elements symbolic representation of physical and material world includes the movement and development.

Wood stands for rebirth and growth; Fire stands for development as such evolution; Earth is the center of cyclical changes, turning point from increasing to decreasing;

Metal stands for decline and Water – minimal activity, decay passive force.

Each of Six Ki belongs one of the Five Element categories and interact with other Six Ki according to the Five Element sequences.

Wind belongs to the same category as Wood of Five Elements.

Heat and Hotness belongs to the same category as Fire.

Humidity belongs to the same category as Earth.

Dryness belongs to the same category as Metal.

Coldness belongs to the same category as Water.

Every individual has a metaphysical constitution. It cannot be seen , but it exists and controls all processes in body and influences the function of internal organs. A metaphysical constitution is a certain deficiency/excessiveness structure formed by the 12 internal organs according to the Yin – Yang and five Element principles. It is a certain balance of energy of internal organs or meridians.

12 internal organs (meridians) are interconnected with each Six Ki according to the Yin – Yang and Five Element principle.

Liver and Gall Bladder belongs to Wind as a Wood category.

Heart and Small Intestine belongs to Heat as Fire category.

Brain and Spinal cord belongs to Hotness as Fire category also.

Spleen and Stomach belongs to Humidity as Earth category.

Lung and Large Intestine belongs to Dryness as Metal category.

Kidney and Bladder belongs to Coldness as Water category.

All physical manifestations in the body are caused by certain emotional and mental (intellectual) states.

Emotional Six Ki factors exist inside and outside of our body.

Emotions are metaphysical in their nature.

Every emotion may be classified in one of the five element and six ki categories :

Anger belongs to Wind Six Ki.

Joy belongs to Fire Six Ki.

Happiness same as Fire category.

Agony belongs to Humidity.

Sadness belongs to dryness Six Ki.

Fear belongs to the Coldness Six Ki.

Very easy subject in the world....

Six ki is miracles one....😃😃😃😃

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