a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians), used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.
★Lung Meridian (LU):
Lung Meridian (LU) The Hand Greater Yin (Tai Yin) of the Lung has 11 points.
Cardinal Points:
(very important points)...
LU5 Respiratory System.
LU7 Neck.
LU9 Skin, Blood Vessels, Throat, Pulse.
LU11 Skin.
★Large Intestine (LI)
The Hand Bright Yang (Yang Ming) of the Large Intestine 20 points
Cardinal Points:
LI4 -Mental Function, Sensory Organs, Hand, Face, Head and Ear.
LI11 -Fever, Arm and Skin...
★Stomach Meridian (ST)
The Foot Bright Yang (Yang Ming) of the Stomach 45 points.
Cardinal Points:
ST36 Upper Abdomen, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Increase Energy, Master Energetical
ST38 Shoulder...
★Spleen Meridian (SP)
The Foot Greater Yin (Tai Yin) of the Spleen 21 points.
Cardinal Points
SP6 Lower Abdomen, Sexual Organs, Skin and Parasympathetic Nervous System
SP10 Blood Sugars (diabetes)
SP21 Master Luo point, Whole Body Weakness and Pain.
★Heart Meridian (HT, HE):
The Hand Lesser Yin (Shao Yin) of the Heart 9 points.
Cardinal Points
HT7 Emotions and Anxiety with Palpitations.
★Small Intestine Meridian (SI)
The Hand Greater Yang (Tai Yang) of the Small Intestine 19 points.
Cardinal Points
SI11 Scapula and Shoulder.
★Bladder Meridian (BL, UB)
The Foot Greater Yang (Tai Yang) of the Bladder 67 points.
Cardinal Points
BL11 Bones
BL17 Blood and Blood Chemistries
BL54 Low Back, Sacrum and Leg
BL60 Upper Back, Leg and Foot
BL67 Malpositioned Fetus.
★Kidney Meridian (KI):
The Foot Lesser Yin (Shao Yin) of the Kidney 27 points
Cardinal Points
KI27 Neurological Confusion, Master Associated Pt.
★Pericardium Meridian (P, PC)
The Hand Terminal Yin (Jue Yin) of the Pericardium 9 points.
Cardinal Points
P6 Chest and Digestion.
★Triple Warmer (San Jiao) Meridian (TW, TB, SJ)
The Hand Lesser Yang (Shao Yang) of the San Jiao 23 points.
Cardinal Points
TW5 Hand, Arm, Neck
and Ear.
★Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)
The Foot Lesser Yang (Shao Yang) of the Gall bladder 44 points.
Cardinal Points
GB20 All Cerebral Disorders
GB34 Muscles and Tendons
GB39 Bone Marrow.
★Liver Meridian (LV)
The Foot Terminal Yin (Jue Yin) of the Liver 14 points
Cardinal Points
LV2 Lymphatics
LV3 Nervous System, Blood Pressure
LV13 Yin Organs.
★ Conception Vessel Meridian
(CV, Ren)
The Directing Channel has 24 points.
Cardinal Points
CV5 Endocrine System
CV6 Lower Abdomen, Sexual Organs and Increase Energry.
CV12 Upper Abdomen, Yang Organs.
CV17 Chest, Center of Respiration.
★ Governing Vessel (GV, DU)
The Governing Channel has 28 points.
Cardinal Points of GV Channal...
GV4 Immune System.
GV14 General Excess (Energy).
GV20 Skin, Sympathetic Nervous System, Memory, Mental and Cerebral Disorders.
GV26 Unconsciousness, Obesity.
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