Acupuncter Merdians
Meridian Abbreviations:
There have been many abbreviations used to identify the acupuncture meridians, most are listed below.
The bold
abbreviations are the ones used in this text.
LU = Lung meridian
LI, CO = Large Intestine meridian
ST = Stomach meridian
SP = Spleen meridian
HT, HE = Heart meridian
SI = Small Intestine meridian
BL, UB = Bladder meridian
KI = Kidney meridian
P, PC, HC = Pericardium, Heart Constrictor meridian
TW, TH, SJ = Triple Warmer, Tri-Heater, Triple Burner, San Jiao meridian
GB = Gallbladder meridian
LV, LI, LIV = Liver meridian
CV, VC, Ren = Conception Vessel meridian
GV, VG, Du = Governing Vessel meridian
*Some older text use LI for Liver and CO for Large Intestine.
Cardinal Points: Points specific for area or condition.
Face & head - LI4
Neck - LU7
Chest & digestion - P6
Respiratory system - LU5
Shoulder - ST38 also ST37
Scapula - SI11
Arm - LI11
Hand - TW5
Ear - TW5
Skin - GV20, LU9, LU11
Upper abdomen - ST36, CV12
Lower abdomen - SP6, CV6
Master energetical - ST36
Increase energy - CV6, ST36
General excess (energy) - GV14
Low back, sacrum & leg - BL54
Upper back, leg & foot - BL60
Nervous system - LV3
Neurological confusion - KI27
Sympathetic NS - GV20
Parasympathetic NS - ST36, SP6
All cerebral disorders - GB20
Memory, mental, cerebral - GV20
Unconsciousness - GV26
Endocrine system - CV5
Lymphatics - LV2
Yang organs - CV12
Yin organs - LV13
Muscles & tendons - GB34
Bones - BL11
Bone marrow - GB39
Blood & blood chemistries - BL17
Blood sugars (diabetes) - SPl0
Blood vessels - LU9
Master associated point - KI27
Master luo point - SP21
Obesity - GV26
Anxiety with palpations - HT7
Whole body weakness pain - SP21
Center of respiration - CV17
Malpositioned fetus - BL67
Tsun or cun is the measurement of one “body inch” used locate acupuncture points.
Measurement is always taken from the
patient’s hand. The width of the thumb is 1 cun, width of two fingers is 1.5 cun, four fingers is 3 cun.
Proportional measurements:
Mid-line of spine to medial border of scapula 3 cun. Lower end of sternum to umbilicus 8 cun. Umbilicus to upper border of
symphysis pubis 8 cun.
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