Twist Therapy
-(prof .park.jae.woo)
Twist therapy is method of safe and easy body twist motions and postures that provides treatment effectiveness for disease as well as prophylaxis of well-being.
A powerful harmonizing effect of twist motions and postures is ensured by the fact that they activate meridians of the spiral net energy system filling them in with Neutro energy.
One simple twist motion of the neck (neck twist) arrests a headache. The neck and trunk twist allow to decrease high blood pressure. After a single spiral twist of the chest heart pains disappear. Even emotional disorders, feelings of anxiety, sadness and other stressful states yield to treatment by twist motions.
Based on fundamental Triorigin Model order it enables to use relevant twist motion in each particular case.
This method is ease to learn and use for self recovering from illness and resisting disease as well in an emergency cases. Twist therapy is free for everybody as there is no need to use any special equipment or tools except one's good will and intention to stay well, healthy and happy through the whole life.
Trioriginal Taiji gymnastic training
The art of Taiji, traditional for the Eastern countries, is winning more followers throughout the world owing to the consistent Triorigin Theory. Performance of spiral twist motions of the arms, neck and trunk in agreement with the motions of the legs follows the development of the Triorigin model and Triorigin sequence - fundamental principles of being.
Triorigin Taiji is beauty and grace, order and harmony that naturally guide the mind and body along the way of mutual development towards achievement of the perfect state.
How can you make your morning exercise more effective, spending no more than three minutes on it? How can you choose a complex of the most important motions for treatment and prevention of disease? What is the way to forget about fatigue and stress once and for ever? Twist gymnastics is the answer to these questions.
The spiral (twist) gymnastics is the system of orderly and rhythmical twist motions performed with the both the whole body and its parts and internal organs. Twist gymnastics is designed for a person to achieve a harmonious state, perfection of the one's body and mind due to activation of the spiral energy Neutro net.
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