The Zang-Fu Organ Theory

5 Zang Organs: produce, store & reserve.

6 Fu organs: transport and transform food

6 extra-ordinary organs: store essential substances


  • Heart governs blood (responsible for blood circulation)

  • It controls blood vessels including the pulse strength.

  • It houses the mind (Shen), the spirit: mental activity, memory, consciousness, thinking and sleep (dreams)

  • Responsible for happiness & joy

  • It manifests in the complexion (face color)

  • It opens into the tongue (especially the tip). The condition of the heart also affects the speech.

  • It controls sweat


  • Liver stores blood (for regular activities & menstruation)

  • Ensures the smooth flow of Qi (for energy, mental state & digestion)

  • It controls the tendons (sinews): in charge of movement (muscle, ligaments, tendons)

  • It manifest in the nails (good for Diagnosis observation)

  • It opens into the eyes

  • It corresponds to tears (moistening and protecting the eyes)

  • It houses the ethereal soul (finding direction in life, visions, planning)


  • Lung governs Qi & respiration: extract the good Qi from the SP and sends it all over the body

  • It controls all Channels circulation (blood through meridians)

  • It controls descending (Down & inward) & dispersing(upward & outward): Descending (Send Qi to Kd, purify Qi to keep it clean) & dispersing (spread Defensive Qi to the skin to help fight diseases)

  • Regulates Water metabolism: Some spread to skin & some send to Kd to excrete).

  • It controls skin & body hair: for body resistance

  • It opens into the nose & controls the nasal discharge

  • It houses the Corporal soul (reside in the body): physical strength


  • Spleen governs transformation & transportation: food & drink. Preventing water retention

  • It controls raising function: keeps internal organs in place & sends essential substances to the head

  • It controls the blood to keep the blood within the vessels (preventing hemorrhages)

  • It controls muscles and the 4 limbs (for energy)

  • It opens into the mouth and manifests in the lips

  • It controls saliva

  • It houses the thoughts (clear thinking)


  • KD Yin & KD Yang are the root of the genes: if one is disease the other will be too.

  • Kidney stores essence and governs birth, growth, reproduction & development

  • They produce marrow, fill up the brain & controls bones

  • They govern water: San Jiao (lower burner part) will be in charge of getting rid of “bad” water

  • The control the reception of Qi from the Lung

  • They opens into the ears

  • They manifest on the Hair

  • They control the lower orifices (spermatic duct, urethra & anus) opening & closing function

  • They house the will power (motivation)

  • The Gate of Vitality (Ming Men): between the 2 Kd. It provides heat for all body functions, warms lower burner, Stomach & Spleen to aid in digestion, harmonizes sexual function, support all other organs, warm the KD Yang & nourish KD Yin.


  • It is the most important Yang organ!

  • It controls the ripening & rotting of food (with the SP)

  • If ST Qi is strong, the prognostic of any disease will be good.

  • Controls the transportation of Food Qi

  • ST is the origin of fluids (likes moisture)

  • ST & SP are very closely related (dry & damp, Excess & deficiency, heat & cold, ascending & descending)

Small Intestine

  • It Controls the receiving & transforming

  • SI separates the fluids (Food goes to LI and fluids to BL)

  • SI & HT are related but not as closely as ST & SP

Large Intestine

  • Excretion of the rotten food

  • LI & LU are interiorly-exteriorly related. If LU qi is def. LI won’t have enough energy to defecate.


  • GB is the only yang organ that doesn’t deal with food directly.

  • It stores Bile

  • It controls judgment and decision

  • It also controls the joints

  • GB & LV depend on each other


  • BL remove Water by Qi transformation (with the help of the SI & SJ)

  • Imbalance of BL will provoke jealousy, suspicion and long-standing grudge

  • BL & KD are quite close in the fluids transformation.

San Jiao (Triple Burner)

  • The upper burner : Lu & Ht

  • The middle burner: Sp & St

  • The lower burner: Lv & Kd, Li, Si, Bl, Gb

  • SJ & PC is related through the meridians

The extraordinary organs are shaped like the Yang organs but have functions of the Yin organs.



The brain is called the sea of marrow.



Blood Vessels
