Tuesday, June 7, 2016

★Smile healing★

                ★   Smile  ★

“If a meditating person, with his eyes closed, sees smiles in every event and object; then having opened the eyes he begins to live with smiles and the main purpose of meditation is achieved.”

- Prof. Park, Jae Woo

Smile is the symbol of harmony and perfection.

it brings us success, satisfaction and achievement of goals.

Meditating on smile is the smile meditation.

since smile signifies harmony and perfection,

smile meditation presents a way to self perfection and achievement of internal equilibrium.

Meditation is a perfect conscious and harmonious state of unlimited mind, the ability to see harmony in everything.

Meditation existed in India millenniums ago, practiced widely by people in daily life as a means to lead a happy, satisfying, fulfilling and harmonious life and to achieve the self perfection, the ultimate goal of the life itself.

Lord Buddha believed meditation to be one of the eight ways of freeing from suffering.

In the second century B.C. the great sage Patanjali worked out the eight-step method of achievement of a perfect condtion of mind - Raj Yoga , the sixth step of which is concentration, and the seventh is meditation.

Therefore, trhorugh meditation one can not only get rid of sufferings, but also can achieve perfection.

In the creation process,starting from Neuto,followed by Hetero and Homo giving birth to Neutro and by the harmonious unification of these three forces.The existence of this world comes into being as a practical entity.From this moment of its birth,Neutro already has the supreme power to lead this world.It was the wonderful moment of the formulation  of the great fundamental order,the Triorigin Model,with which Neutro could manage to operate this world towards the ultimate destination endowed by the Spirit Neuto.This very moment,the invisible practical smile was also born.This smile which innfiltrated from the Existence Spirit in the Zero world merged with Neutro and the Triorigin Model with smile colours and spread them in the whole world.

As smile has come out from the zero world, so it has no sound and is invisible by its nature, but sometimes recognized in physical expressions of advanced living creatures like human being who is almost approaching near to perfect level.

The smile world is just a wonder.

This smile world in which all existences are smiling all together is indeed a wonder.

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