Sunday, May 15, 2016

Neurodegenerative disorder (PD- parkinson disease)

Chinese Acupuncture Treatment Protocols for Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Formulas, Protocols,  Diagnoses

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Basics

Parkinson's Disease is a type of motor system disorder, which is characterized by a decrease in dopamine-producing brain cells. The four main symptoms of PD are tremors in the legs, arms, face and jaw; limb stiffness; reduced movement; and balance and coordination problems. Secondary symptoms include problems swallowing, speaking or chewing; depression; skin and urinary issues; and trouble sleeping. Symptoms appear mild at first, but as they progress, can cause difficulty walking or completing everyday tasks.
Below you will find alternative and natural treatment options including those from a Chinese Medicine perspective for Parkinson's Disease.

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Diagnostic Patterns

The Chinese Medicine treatment of parkinson's disease (pd) generally involves arriving at the appropriate TCM diagnosis or pattern. This pattern within the individual is what treatment is based on not the general condition

The following patterns may represent the underlying contributing factors for the development of parkinson's disease (pd):

Liver Yang Rising
Liver Wind
Liver Yin Deficiency
Kidney Jing Deficiency
Blood Stagnation

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Questions

Need treatment options for parkinson's disease (pd) and not finding the information you need?

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Related Acupuncture Points

The following (13)acupuncture points may be useful for parkinson's disease (pd).
A subset of these could potentially be useful with acupressure stimulation and/or tongren therapy methods as well.

Generally treatment would be based on the TCM patterns listed above instead of selecting points by function alone,

All Points

13 Points For Parkinson's Disease (PD) 

HT 3
LI 11
LI 14
LI 17
SI 9
SI 16
ST 33
ST 34
ST 38
ST 42
UB 9

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue

★Shaohai(HT3, 少海) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand. Shaohai is the He-sea Point of the heart.


Shao, young; hai, sea. Shao refers to Hand-Shaoyin Meridian. This is the He-sea Point of the Heart Meridian. The Qi of the meridian circulates to this point, like water flowing into the sea.


At the middle point of the line between the medial end of the transverse cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is flexed. Flex the elbow to locate the point.


palpitation, cardiac pain, etc.spasm of the arm, ulnar neuritis, pain of the elbow joint and the surrounding soft tissues.


Perpendicular 0.8~1.2 cun.


Shousanli(LI10, 手三里) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


2 cun below Quchi(LI11), on the Jine connecting Quchi with yangxi(LI5) .


①Numbness and pain of the hand,motor impairment of the upper extremities, and other diseases of the arms ; ②bellyache, diarrhea; ③toothache, swollen cheek.


Perpendicular insertion 0.8~1.2 cun.


Quchi(LI11, 曲池) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand. Quchi is the He-Sea point of the Large Intestine. It is the main point for antianaphylaxis and antipyresis.


Qu, crooked; chi, pond. When the arm is flexed, a depression at the elbow is like a pool and the point is inside it.


When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the midpoint between the lateral end of the transverse cubical crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.


(1) main point for diseases of the head, face and the five sense organs, often used with Hegu. (2) relieving fever, also often used with Hegu. (3) lowering blood pressure. (4) relieving itching, main point to treat diseases of skin pruritus. (5) main point to treat aches of upper extremities and paralysis.


Perpendicularly 1-1.5 cun.


Binao(LI14, 臂臑) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the line connecting Quchi(LI11) with Jianyu(LI15), 7 cun above Quchi(LI11), at the end of the deltoid.


①Crampy pain and paralysis in the shoulder and arm, neck convulsions,and other diseases of arm and shoulder; ②scrofula; ③eye diseases.


Tianding(LI17, 天鼎) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


Lateral side of the neck, the midpoint of Futu(LI18) and the supraclavicular fossa, at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid.


①Sudden loss of voice, sore throat, and other diseases of the throat; ②scrofula and goiter.


Jianzhen(SI9,肩贞) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the posterior aspect of the shoulder, 1 cun above the end of posterior axillary fold.


①Pain in the shoulder and arm, motor impairment of the upper extremity; ②scrofula.

Tianchuang(SI16,天窗) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the lateral aspect of the neck, at the posterior border of sternocleidomastoideus, posterior to Futu(LI18), level with the Adam's apple.


①Tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, sudden loss of voice, and other sense organs disorder; ②pain and rigidity in the neck and nape.

Yinshi(ST33,阴市) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot.


On the thigh, on a line drawn between the lateral margin of patella and the anterior superior iliac spine, in a depression 3 cun above the superio-lateral margin of the patella.


①Flaccidity and arthralgia in the leg and knee, dyskinesia of the knee joint; ②hernia.


Liangqiu(ST34,梁丘) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot. It is the Xi-Cleft point of the stomach.


Liang, ridge; qiu, hills. The prominent muscle above the knee looks like a ridge in hills, and there the point is located.


2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella.


Acute gastric pain, acute mastitis.Swelling and pain of the knee joint, paralysis or weakness of the lower extremities.


Perpendicularly 0.5-1cun.


Tiaokou(ST38,条口) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot.


Lower leg, 8 cun below the depression in the lateral patella ligament (the midpoint between the popliteal crease and the tip of the medial malleolus), one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.


①Pain or paralysis of the lower extremities,spasms, aching of the shoulder and arm; ②abdomen pain.


Perpendicular insertion 1~1.5 cun.


Chongyang(ST42,冲阳) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot. It is the Yuan-Source Point of the stomach.


Chong, important place; yang, Yang of Yin-Yang. The point is where the Chongyang Pulse is located (arteria dorsalis pedis).


Below Jiexi, in the depression between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones and the cuneiform.


Facial paralysis, toothache, headache, paralysis of the lower limbs, pain in the instep.


Perpendicularly 0.3-0.5cun, avoid the artery.


Yuzhen(BL9,玉枕) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot.


1.3 cun lateral to the depression superior to the external occipital protuberance, 1.5 cun superior to Fengfu(GV16).


①Pain in the neck and nape, eye pain; ②nasal obstruction.

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue


English Name: Stop Tremor Point Pinyin Name: Xiao Chan


1.5 cun distal from HT 3

EX) Xiao Chan Xue Clinical Uses

Extra point used for arm tremors of any nature - parkinsons, familiar tremors, emotional tremors,

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue TCM Patterns

This point along with others in a proper point prescription may be used to balance the following TCM Patterns:

Liver Wind

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue Conditions Treated

This point along with others in a proper point prescription may be used to balance the following Conditions / Symptoms:

Parkinson's Disease (PD)


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