Friday, May 20, 2016

~ Nature cure weapons ~

       Weapons of Naturopathy

★ Diet
★Juice diet
★Clay therapy
★Sun bath
★Air bath
★Magneto therapy
★Color therapy
★Mudra therapy
★Su-jok healing



Diet is the mainstay of Naturopathic treatment.

Food must serve two purposes.

(i) Supply all essential nutrients to the body

maintain acid-alkali balance in the blood.

The 5 ingredients of foods essential for the nutrition of the body are

(i) proteins
(ii) carbohydrates
(iii) fats
(iv) vitamins
(v) minerals.


Proteins are essential for the growth, maintenance and regeneration of body.

Sources: Pulses, milk, eggs, meat.

All proteins are made of amino acids.

A non-vegetarian diet provides excessive amounts of proteins to the body.

Many diseases result from excessive consumption of proteins.

When too much of proteins enter the blood stream, it gets converted in to nitric
acid, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid. The body is forced to use up large
amount of alkali minerals to neutralize these acids.

No adult wishing to have good health should consume more than 15/20 grams
of proteins per day.

One gram of protein gives 4 units of calorie.

Protein rich diet should be given to growing children.

》 Animal proteins including milk should be avoided.
》Meat contains methionine which if not metabolized increases the risk of heart attack.


》 Carbohydrates provide heat and energy to the body.

Sources: cereals, tubers, roots, pulses, milk.

1 gram of carbohydrates gives 4 units of calorie.

Use of processed carbohydrates is not desirable for the body as fiber is
We should consume carbohydrate centered diet.
》 80 % calorie requirement should be derived from carbohydrates.

》 Maida, refined white sugar should be avoided at any cost.


Fats perform the function of supplying heat and energy to the body.

Sources: Ghee, butter and oils.

We should not consume more than 10 gram of fats per day or maximum 10% calories consumed in a day.

There are two types of fats: saturated & unsaturated.

1 gram of fat gives 9 units of calories.

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature. It is necessary to minimize the
intake of saturated fats as the prolonged use causes constipation and hardening
of the arteries.

Following foods contain saturated fats.

Butter, ghee, coconut oil, palm oil.
Whole milk, cream, milk preparations, sweets made in ghee and vegetable
Chocolates, cakes, biscuits, wafers.
Eggs, fat meat, fish, oysters.

Following food contain unsaturated fats:

Peanut oil, sesame oil, maize oil, soyabean oil, karadi oil, cotton seed oil,
sunflower oil and dishes made from these oils.

Vitamins & Minerals:

The body needs only minute quantities of these substances.

Minerals are needed for the formation and functioning of the cells.

Vitamins are essential for the proper digestion & absorption of proteins,

carbohydrates and fats and improving immunity of the body.

Various disorders are the direct results of the deficiency of vitamins & minerals.

Cooking destroys vitamins.
The vitamins in fruits & vegetables are rapidly lost if they are not consumed
soon after peeling or cutting.

The stores of vitamins in the body get depleted during illness as well as due to

(i) improper diet
(ii) mental distress
(iii) pollution
(iv) smoking
(v) addiction to drugs
(vi) chemical medicines.

Daily requirement of vitamins:

A―――4000-5000 I.U.
B―――complex 0.5 to 5 mg of each vitamin in the group of 8 vitamins.
C―――45 mg.
D――― 300 to 400 I.U.
E ―――12 to 15 I.U.

Daily requirement is given below:
         (Datas from -WHO)

Calcium 800 mg: Phosphorus 800 mg

Potassium 2500mg: Sodium 2500 mg

Iron 10 mg: Sulphur 300 mg

Magnesium 350mg: Chlorine 2000 mg

Iodine 0.14

★★★   ★★★   ★★★    ★★★

Acid & Alkali balance in blood

The ratio of acids to alkalis in blood is generally 20:80.

The maintenance of this
ratio is essential for health.

Ph test is conducted to find out this ratio.

Some items of food leave alkaline residues in the body after undergoing the full
cycle of digestive and metabolic processes.

Some items leave acidic residues.

Symptoms associated with acidic blood are fatigue, headache, loss of appetite,
insomnia, nervous tension, hyper acidity.

Natural deaths are the culminating stages of chronic acidic conditions of blood.

In order to prevent or counteract the accumulation of acids in the body,

must take food that is mainly alkali-genie.

Alkali-genic foods:
Vegetables, tubers
Milk & milk products
Acid-genic foods:
Pulses & legumes
Food of animal origin excluding milk.
Cheese, butter.

Food combinations.
Even alkali-genic and nutritious food taken disregard to the rules of food
combinations can generate toxins in the body.

Digested in

Carbohydrates mouth, small intestine
Proteins stomach

Fats small intestine

Nature Cure & Naturopathy

              (Nature cure)

★What is Naturopathy?

To follow rules of the nature.

To cure disease with the use of forces of Nature such as food, water, clay, sun-energy etc.

It aims at strengthening the natural defenses of the body.
It does not attempt to get rid of illness but aims primarily to restoring health.

★Advantages of Naturopathy.

No side effects.
Cost effective.
Disease need not be diagnosed exactly before treatment is given.
Preventive effect.
It compels the patient to take active interest in his health.

★Fundamental principles of Naturopathy.
There is only one &only one cause of all diseases.
I.e. The accumulation of
toxins and foreign substances in the body.

It is the Nature that heals, not the medicines.

Acute disease signifies an activation of immunity.

The accumulation of toxins in the body is the fundamental cause of all diseases.

Formation of small quantity of toxins in the body is almost inevitable.

However these toxins are promptly eliminated from the body.

Toxemia results if more toxins are put into or forced inside the body and /or if
fewer toxins are eliminated.

By healer Alexander....

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Seed therapy



Coniferous needles, leaves, petals, grafts and especially seeds (fruits) are powerfull and very efficient for stimulation of therapeutic points and correspondence areas on hands and feet.

Plant's seeds are living biological items having mighty energy and own magnet fields. 

Such seed can easily come in contact with an energy of a human-being engulfing malignant energy and giving a vital and healthy energy in turn.

It is very often the seeds mutate-shrivel, crack and even crumble after treatment. Seed therapy is complete fool-proof, painless and comprehensible plain to everybody. 
Furthermore, long-term illnesses are treated by seeds in a quiescent state, acute diseases - by almost sprouted kernels. It is very effective a massage with large seeds or stems of chestnut, walnut, stone of mango, strobile, maize (corn) ear.

 Usually seeds or other parts of plants are attached with sticking plaster directly to unhealthy organs or those parts of palms and feet which correspond to them. The most painful points are selected with the help of diagnostic probe, or just toothpick, match, etc. The consecutive pressing on such points should be of equal force. If you are not sure that you can hit plumb centre, attach several seeds so that to cover supposed zone with them. 

The application of seeds can last from few hours to one day or several days, if it is necessary to continue stimulation of the point, they should be renewed. Seeds have a great life force and come to interact with affected organs and restores their energy potencial. After treatment seeds can change their structure, shape, color (lose energy potencial, become fragile, black, enlarge or decrease in size, shrivel, crack or even fall to pieces). But it is not advised to use the plant seeds which are poisonous or allergenic for you or environmentally unsound products, also don't fit green, defective or dead seeds.

Seeds can be used as massagers. To stimulate larger corresponding zones (zones of stomach, liver, lungs) you can use peach, mango stones, walnut, horse chestnut, cones of coniferous trees. For smaller and medium zones of correspondence (heart, urinary bladder, eyes, nose) you can use the stones of dates, acorn, chestnut, hazelnut, alder cones, ripe wheatear, stones of cherry or corn seeds, cedar nut. Bamboo's trunk or twigs, stalk of flax, lemon, onion bulb, potato tuber, carrot can also be used as massagers.

The seeds can be selected due to configuration which resembles the shape of an organ.

1) Oblong seeds - upper and lower limbs, intestine, lips, nose;

2) Spherical - eyes, head, breast;

3) bean-shaped - kidneys, stomach;

4)shape of peach- urinary and gall bladders;

5) racemose - pancreas.


eye disorders, head and mammary glands problems can be cured by round seeds (cherry, black pepper, pea); 
cerebropathy - walnut;
heart- guelder (arrowwood, cranberry bush),
buckwheat or pumpkin;
kidneys, stomach - bean;
intestines, veins, long bone- oats, brome grass; 
backbone, joints - bit of culm or carnation stems. 
The seed stores an information about whole plant and possesses its healthfulness. If you know effects of drug plants it will be easier to pick necessary seeds to cure your disease:
magnolia-vine (on the brain zone) - stimulation of working efficiency, elimination of drowse;
bird cherry (zones of large and small intestines)- diarrhea;
briar (dogrose) (zones of liver and gall bladder)-affections of the liver (hepatopathy); 
pomegranate stones (granatum) (zones of ear and eye)- ocular and aural diseases; 
flax (zones of mouth and large intestine)-constipation and toothache;
pea (zones of kidneys and urinary tracts)-urolithiasis;
corn (maize) (pancreas)- diabetes;
claw (zones of lower limbs)-varicosity,thrombophlebitis;
rice (bronchi zones)-bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
arrowwood (snowball), hawthorn (zones of head and heart)-hypertension; 
dill and fennel (zones of large and small intestines)-meteorism;
watermelon (zones of kidneys and urinary tracts) - edemas 
Along with the seeds, plants can also be used. For instance, the stalks of bamboo, pinks, cereals and other plants resemble finger, hands, feet joints. To heal joint problems the stalk of these plants can be used as massagers or applied to the corresponding zones of joints.
There are some plants resembling the shape of spine, so, the twigs of fern resemble a thoracic spine. Stalks, leaves and seeds of such plants can be used for spine and chest curing.
Some seeds, for example, seeds of flax contain a thick juice, they can be used for curing of inflammatory processes accompanied by myhopoiesis (rhinitis, gastritis, bronchitis). Similar seeds can be applied if there is a malignant accumulation of body fluids and edema.

 Clusters of mountain ash, guelder, hawthorn resemble the shape of a thrombus. Such seeds can be applied for diseases associated with increase of blood coagulation and as a prevention of thrombosis. The berries of buckthorn, cowberry, cranberry are cold-resistant and do not change their properties on freezing. Their seeds (berries) can be used to relieve a cold, flu. In summer, early morning in the country, walk barefoot on the grass till the dew dries up, and feel Nature's force in your hands, feet and your entire body.


Seeds are natural stimulators to the acupressure points and are also part of Sujok therapy.


Seed therapy is complementary to sujok therapy. After acupressure treatment one can tie seeds, pulses and legumes at the treated point to supply extra life force to facilitate quick healing. Greengrams, kidney beans and peas are frequently used for treatment. Infact, suitable shape, size and color seeds or beans are picked, for example, for kidney treatment the same shape bean is selected. The selected ones are tied to the pain point with an adhesive plaster.

It is believed that many people from Korea and other countries have benefited by the use of this therapy. A common man can use it as self cure method to heal simple ailments like cold, sorethroat or back pain.

Almost all the ailments that are healed by acupressure method, can be cured by Sujok . In fact the diseases can be healed faster and effectively.


Sujok Seed Therapy



Coniferous needles, leaves, petals, grafts and especially seeds (fruits) are powerful and very efficient for stimulation of therapeutic points and correspondence areas on hands and feet.

Plant's seeds are living biological items having mighty energy and own magnet fields.

 Such seed can easily come in contact with energy of a human-being engulfing malignant energy and giving a vital and healthy energy in turn.

It is very often the seeds mutate-shrivel, crack and even crumble after treatment. Seed therapy is complete fool-proof, painless and comprehensible plain to everybody.

 Furthermore, long-term illnesses are treated by seeds in a quiescent state, acute diseases - by almost sprouted kernels. It is very effective a massage with large seeds or stems of chestnut, walnut, stone of mango, strobile, maize (corn) ear.


Usually seeds or other parts of plants are attached with sticking plaster directly to unhealthy organs or those parts of palms and feet which correspond to them. The most painful points are selected with the help of diagnostic probe, or just toothpick, match, etc. The consecutive pressing on such points should be of equal force. If you are not sure that you can hit plumb centre, attach several seeds so that to cover supposed zone with them.

 The application of seeds can last from few hours to one day or several days, if it is necessary to continue stimulation of the point, they should be renewed. Seeds have a great life force and come to interact with affected organs and restore their energy potential.

After treatment seeds can change their structure, shape, color (lose energy potential, become fragile, black, enlarge or decrease in size, shrivel, crack or even fall to pieces). But it is not advised to use the plant seeds which are poisonous or allergenic for you or environmentally unsound products also don't fit green, defective or dead seeds.

 Seeds can be used as massagers:-

 To stimulate larger corresponding zones (zones of stomach, liver, lungs) you can use peach, mango stones, walnut, horse chestnut, cones of coniferous trees. For smaller and medium zones of correspondence (heart, urinary bladder, eyes, nose) you can use the stones of dates, acorn, chestnut, hazelnut, alder cones, ripe wheatear, stones of cherry or corn seeds, cedar nut. Bamboo's trunk or twigs, stalk of flax, lemon, onion bulb, potato tuber, carrot can also be used as massagers.

 The seeds can be selected due to configuration which resembles the shape of an organ.

1)       Oblong seeds - upper and lower limbs, intestine, lips, nose;

2)     Spherical - eyes, head, breast;

3)     bean-shaped - kidneys, stomach;

4)     shape of peach- urinary and gall bladders;

5)     racemose - pancreas.

6)     Eye disorders, head and mammary glands problems can be cured by round seeds (cherry, black pepper, pea);

7)     cerebropathy - walnut;

8)     heart- guelder (arrowwood, cranberry bush),buckwheat or pumpkin;

9)     kidneys, stomach - bean;

10)  intestines, veins, long bone- oats, brome grass;

11)    Backbone, joints - bit of culm or carnation stems.

12)  The seed stores information about whole plant and possesses its healthfulness. If you know effects of drug plants it will be easier to pick necessary seeds to cure your disease:

 13)  magnolia-vine (on the brain zone) - stimulation of working efficiency, elimination of drowse;

14)  bird cherry (zones of large and small intestines)- diarrhea;

15)  briar (dogrose) (zones of liver and gall bladder)-affections of the liver (hepatopathy);

16)  pomegranate stones (granatum) (zones of ear and eye)- ocular and aural diseases;

17)  flax (zones of mouth and large intestine)-constipation and toothache;

18)  pea (zones of kidneys and urinary tracts)-urolithiasis;

19)  corn (maize) (pancreas)- diabetes;

20) claw (zones of lower limbs)-varicosity,thrombophlebitis;

21)  rice (bronchi zones)-bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

22) arrowwood (snowball), hawthorn (zones of head and heart)-hypertension;

23) dill and fennel (zones of large and small intestines)-meteorism;

24) watermelon (zones of kidneys and urinary tracts) - edemas

 Along with the seeds, plants can also be used. For instance, the stalks of bamboo, pinks, cereals and other plants resemble finger, hands, feet joints. To heal joint problems the stalk of these plants can be used as massagers or applied to the corresponding zones of joints.

 There are some plants resembling the shape of spine, so, the twigs of fern resemble a thoracic spine. Stalks, leaves and seeds of such plants can be used for spine and chest curing.

 Some seeds, for example, seeds of flax contain a thick juice; they can be used for curing of inflammatory processes accompanied by myhopoiesis (rhinitis, gastritis, bronchitis). Similar seeds can be applied if there is a malignant accumulation of body fluids and edema.

 Clusters of mountain ash, guilder, and hawthorn resemble the shape of a thrombus. Such seeds can be applied for diseases associated with increase of blood coagulation and as a prevention of thrombosis. The berries of buckthorn, cowberry, cranberry are cold-resistant and do not change their properties on freezing. Their seeds (berries) can be used to relieve a cold, flu. In summer, early morning in the country, walk barefoot on the grass till the dew dries up, and feel Nature's force in your hands, feet and your entire body.

Seed therapy specialist

Sujok ring massage benefits!....

Sujok Ringsmassage benefits!

Su Jok Therapy (Korean for Hand/Foot) and Acupressure rings have been designed for
an intense yet safe stimulation of the fingers and , less frequently, of the small toes.

Furthermore , they are designed for the quick and simultaneous stimulation of a large number
of Acupressure Correspondence points on the digits.

Since fingers and toes are not only projections of the limbs (in the main hands-and-feet
correspondence systems) but also of the whole trunk (as in the Full Body Correspondence
systems) - not only does the fingers/toes massage make it possible to relieve imbalances
involving the entire arm or foot,

but it can also produce a tonic and beneficial effect on the
entire body.

As the massage ring is placed on a finger or toe, it should be vigorously rolled from top to
bottom until there occurs a sustained increase of blood supply and sensation of warmth.

rings are not to be worn but utilized dynamically on the fingers.

A 30 second massage per digit
is usually adequate.

  ✔.Improves Blood circulation in the fingers and hands.
   ✔.Improves Energy Meridian flow in the entire body.
✔.Aids in the even distribution of Chi or Prana in the body.

✔.May help to relieve tiredness at anytime but especially if used upon waking.

✔.Constructively channels and distributes excess nervous energy.

✔.More powerful than basic acupressure yet safer and simpler than acupuncture.

✔.Can be utilized almost anytime and any place.
✔.Can be used by a lay person or a professional therapist alike.

Provides thousands of powerful “Do-it-yourself “ massages at an unbeatable price.


✘.Do not use the ring on an open sore or wound .

✘.Do not use the ring on a bruised area.
✘.Do not overstimulate a single area . 30 seconds is more than sufficient for a given finger or digit.

✘The rings are only to be used on the fingers (and occasionally the small toes) and nowhere else on
the body.

✘.Keep the rings away from children under the age of 6 years. The rings are not to be placed in the
mouth or swallowed.

★ Su Jok Therapy utilizes hologrammic associations in the hand and feet to identify and then energize and
effect changes in other body parts. It makes use of numerous natural

i.e live seeds ,plant stems and man-
made instruments . It is unique in its simplicity, safety and symmetry ,while maintaining speed and efficacy
in its results. .

More about  Sujok treatments call on air:
(Sujok expert)

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Neurodegenerative disorder (PD- parkinson disease)

Chinese Acupuncture Treatment Protocols for Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Formulas, Protocols,  Diagnoses

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Basics

Parkinson's Disease is a type of motor system disorder, which is characterized by a decrease in dopamine-producing brain cells. The four main symptoms of PD are tremors in the legs, arms, face and jaw; limb stiffness; reduced movement; and balance and coordination problems. Secondary symptoms include problems swallowing, speaking or chewing; depression; skin and urinary issues; and trouble sleeping. Symptoms appear mild at first, but as they progress, can cause difficulty walking or completing everyday tasks.
Below you will find alternative and natural treatment options including those from a Chinese Medicine perspective for Parkinson's Disease.

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Diagnostic Patterns

The Chinese Medicine treatment of parkinson's disease (pd) generally involves arriving at the appropriate TCM diagnosis or pattern. This pattern within the individual is what treatment is based on not the general condition

The following patterns may represent the underlying contributing factors for the development of parkinson's disease (pd):

Liver Yang Rising
Liver Wind
Liver Yin Deficiency
Kidney Jing Deficiency
Blood Stagnation

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Questions

Need treatment options for parkinson's disease (pd) and not finding the information you need?

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Related Acupuncture Points

The following (13)acupuncture points may be useful for parkinson's disease (pd).
A subset of these could potentially be useful with acupressure stimulation and/or tongren therapy methods as well.

Generally treatment would be based on the TCM patterns listed above instead of selecting points by function alone,

All Points

13 Points For Parkinson's Disease (PD) 

HT 3
LI 11
LI 14
LI 17
SI 9
SI 16
ST 33
ST 34
ST 38
ST 42
UB 9

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue

★Shaohai(HT3, 少海) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Shaoyin Heart Meridian of Hand. Shaohai is the He-sea Point of the heart.


Shao, young; hai, sea. Shao refers to Hand-Shaoyin Meridian. This is the He-sea Point of the Heart Meridian. The Qi of the meridian circulates to this point, like water flowing into the sea.


At the middle point of the line between the medial end of the transverse cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is flexed. Flex the elbow to locate the point.


palpitation, cardiac pain, etc.spasm of the arm, ulnar neuritis, pain of the elbow joint and the surrounding soft tissues.


Perpendicular 0.8~1.2 cun.


Shousanli(LI10, 手三里) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


2 cun below Quchi(LI11), on the Jine connecting Quchi with yangxi(LI5) .


①Numbness and pain of the hand,motor impairment of the upper extremities, and other diseases of the arms ; ②bellyache, diarrhea; ③toothache, swollen cheek.


Perpendicular insertion 0.8~1.2 cun.


Quchi(LI11, 曲池) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand. Quchi is the He-Sea point of the Large Intestine. It is the main point for antianaphylaxis and antipyresis.


Qu, crooked; chi, pond. When the arm is flexed, a depression at the elbow is like a pool and the point is inside it.


When the elbow is flexed, the point is in the midpoint between the lateral end of the transverse cubical crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.


(1) main point for diseases of the head, face and the five sense organs, often used with Hegu. (2) relieving fever, also often used with Hegu. (3) lowering blood pressure. (4) relieving itching, main point to treat diseases of skin pruritus. (5) main point to treat aches of upper extremities and paralysis.


Perpendicularly 1-1.5 cun.


Binao(LI14, 臂臑) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the line connecting Quchi(LI11) with Jianyu(LI15), 7 cun above Quchi(LI11), at the end of the deltoid.


①Crampy pain and paralysis in the shoulder and arm, neck convulsions,and other diseases of arm and shoulder; ②scrofula; ③eye diseases.


Tianding(LI17, 天鼎) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand.


Lateral side of the neck, the midpoint of Futu(LI18) and the supraclavicular fossa, at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid.


①Sudden loss of voice, sore throat, and other diseases of the throat; ②scrofula and goiter.


Jianzhen(SI9,肩贞) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the posterior aspect of the shoulder, 1 cun above the end of posterior axillary fold.


①Pain in the shoulder and arm, motor impairment of the upper extremity; ②scrofula.

Tianchuang(SI16,天窗) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of Hand.


On the lateral aspect of the neck, at the posterior border of sternocleidomastoideus, posterior to Futu(LI18), level with the Adam's apple.


①Tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, sudden loss of voice, and other sense organs disorder; ②pain and rigidity in the neck and nape.

Yinshi(ST33,阴市) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot.


On the thigh, on a line drawn between the lateral margin of patella and the anterior superior iliac spine, in a depression 3 cun above the superio-lateral margin of the patella.


①Flaccidity and arthralgia in the leg and knee, dyskinesia of the knee joint; ②hernia.


Liangqiu(ST34,梁丘) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot. It is the Xi-Cleft point of the stomach.


Liang, ridge; qiu, hills. The prominent muscle above the knee looks like a ridge in hills, and there the point is located.


2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella.


Acute gastric pain, acute mastitis.Swelling and pain of the knee joint, paralysis or weakness of the lower extremities.


Perpendicularly 0.5-1cun.


Tiaokou(ST38,条口) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot.


Lower leg, 8 cun below the depression in the lateral patella ligament (the midpoint between the popliteal crease and the tip of the medial malleolus), one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.


①Pain or paralysis of the lower extremities,spasms, aching of the shoulder and arm; ②abdomen pain.


Perpendicular insertion 1~1.5 cun.


Chongyang(ST42,冲阳) is an acupuncturepoint in the meridian named Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot. It is the Yuan-Source Point of the stomach.


Chong, important place; yang, Yang of Yin-Yang. The point is where the Chongyang Pulse is located (arteria dorsalis pedis).


Below Jiexi, in the depression between 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones and the cuneiform.


Facial paralysis, toothache, headache, paralysis of the lower limbs, pain in the instep.


Perpendicularly 0.3-0.5cun, avoid the artery.


Yuzhen(BL9,玉枕) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot.


1.3 cun lateral to the depression superior to the external occipital protuberance, 1.5 cun superior to Fengfu(GV16).


①Pain in the neck and nape, eye pain; ②nasal obstruction.

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue


English Name: Stop Tremor Point Pinyin Name: Xiao Chan


1.5 cun distal from HT 3

EX) Xiao Chan Xue Clinical Uses

Extra point used for arm tremors of any nature - parkinsons, familiar tremors, emotional tremors,

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue TCM Patterns

This point along with others in a proper point prescription may be used to balance the following TCM Patterns:

Liver Wind

(EX) Xiao Chan Xue Conditions Treated

This point along with others in a proper point prescription may be used to balance the following Conditions / Symptoms:

Parkinson's Disease (PD)


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Reki master/Alexander/Mumbai/09766540761 & 07871277095.....

             Anatomy for Reiki

(While an extensive understanding of anatomy is not necessary for Reiki practitioners, there are times when a basic
knowledge of the major organs of the body is helpful, and even necessary.
These include when the client has a condition or illness involving a specific organ(s) that needs treatment or when working in a clinic or hospital where
communication with medical personnel about a client’s condition is necessary...)

★Adrenals: Part of the endocrine system, the adrenals
secrete hormones that regulate various functions in the
body, one of which is the flight or fight response.

★Appendix: The appendix is located at the beginning of
the colon on the lower right side of the abdominal cavity.
It is medically said to have no function.

★Colon: Consisting of the ascending, transverse and
descending sections, this tube-like organ is also called
the large intestine and joins the small intestine on the
lower right side of the abdominal cavity. The final
processes of digestion take place in the colon with the
absorption of water from fecal matter.

★Esophagus: The esopagus is the portion of the digestive
tube that moves food from the mouth to the stomach.

★Gallbladder: Connected to the liver, the gallbladder
stores and secretes bile, which aids digestion of fats.

★Heart: This is the muscular organ that pumps blood to all
parts of the body. The rhythmic beating of the heart is a
ceaseless activity, lasting from before birth to the end of

★Kidneys: The purpose of the kidneys is to separate urea,
mineral salts, toxins and other waste products from the
blood, and to conserve water, salts and electrolytes.

★Liver: The liver is the largest glandular organ of the body
and has many functions including filtering debris and bac-
teria from the blood, converting excess carbohydrates and
protein into fats and producing blood-clotting factors and
vitamins A, D, K and B12. It also produces bile, which is
used to prepare fats for digestion.

★Lungs: The lungs are elastic organs used for breathing;
they oxygenate the blood.

★Pancreas: The pancreas is a glandular organ that
secretes digestive enzymes and hormones. It also pro-
duces insulin, which lowers the blood-sugar level and
increases the amount of glycogen (stored carbohydrate)
in the liver.

★Parathyroid: These four small glands are often embed in the thyroid gland and govern calcium and phosphorus- metabolism.

★Small Intestine: Located between the stomach and
colon, the small intestine digests and absorbs nutrients
from food. This process is aided by secretions from the
liver and pancreas.

★Spleen: The spleen acts as a filter against foreign organ-
isms that infect the bloodstream, and also filters out old
red blood cells from the bloodstream and decomposes

★Stomach: The stomach is the part of the digestive tract
between the esophagus and the small intestine.

★Thymus: The thymus gland helps in the development
and functioning of the immune system.

★Thyroid: Part of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland
secretes hormones necessary for growth and metabolism.


Reki master. I.J.B.ALEXANDER.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Smile meditation...

              Smile meditation  


In Sujok, a smile is referred as Buddha''s  smile or a child's smile. Smile meditation aims to strike a harmony with our mind, body and soul.

With this, one can improve health, self-confidence, develop and enrich one's abilities, succeed both in education and work and become a vibrant person that helps to make a progressive society. By spreading a smile, positive vibes are released by an individual that helps him/her to maintain cordial relations with others, spread cheer in one's livelihood and stay motivated.


What's behind it:

Physically smiling - whether real or fake - sends a "smilingness" message to the brain. Once the brain gets the message, two things happen:

• Happiness Chemicals: The physical “I am smiling” message (again, doesn't matter if it's fake) causes the brain to release happiness, generating chemicals into your system in response.

• Feedback Loop: This creates a feedback loop. Fake smiles, held long enough, become real. Takes a tiny bit longer for the brain chemistry to kick in, but kick in it will. It's one of the weirdnesses of human biochemistry.

It sounds strange, but making a big  fake smile, and holding it, actually causes calming and mood-elevating reactions in your body.


• Make a Smile: With your eyes open, make a big fake smile (teeth or no teeth, your preference).

• Pay Attention to the Smile – it may take a moment, but you will slowly feel the area around your mouth begin to feel physically "happy."

• Notice the Spread: If you keep at it, the area will spread. Once it reaches your eyes, the smile will feel real, your whole face will feel more relaxed and enlivened, and your mood will lift a bit higher. You may feel ridiculous, but funny. Feel free to laugh.

• Breathe: Take a deep breath through your nose, and let it out through your mouth. It's often almost bizarre how much better one can feel......


This is based on a "hint" in the book "Eat, Pray, Love." 

It can be done either as a sitting meditation for those so inclined, or as a way to relax before going to sleep.


• Take a Comfortable Pose - sitting or lying down.

• Cleansing Breathes: Close your eyes, take a deep breath in slowly through your nose, then expel it quickly through your mouth. Do it 1-3 times (or more), til you can put your attention and focus into your body.

• Center Yourself: Take a moment to center yourself in your body – say, "I am here now."


• Start to Smile: Allow a very slight smile to come onto your lips. It doesn't have to be big - just til you have the sense that your lips are smiling.

• Think, "My lips are smiling." Feel how happy your lips feel.

• Mindfully, Let it Spread: Slowly allow the "smile/happy" feeling to spread over your face - note "my upper lip is smiling, my chin is smiling, my cheeks are smiling, my nose is smiling, my eyes, eyebrows, forehead, ears, hair, back of head, etc. etc. etc are smiling."

• Pause: Take a moment to feel your whole head smiling.


• Allow It to Spread: Bit by bit, allow the feeling of smilingness to spread through your body:  neck (front and back) shoulders, arms, hands, chest, etc. etc. til your whole body is filled with the feeling of smiling.

• Allow It to Spread Inside, Too: Continue with feeling your imagined inner organs smiling : esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, etc. (whatever you can remember!), so that the inside of your body is smiling, too.


• Give It Away!: When time permits (or you are not yet asleep!), imagine that feeling of smilingness spreading to everyone/everything you love - I feel  being filled with my smile, my mother, my sister, my dog , my beautiful trees, my world....

COME BACK...(or skip this step and go to sleep!)

:• Breathe: Take 3 breaths before opening your eyes.

• Return: Slowly allow your consciousness to return to your body and your mind.

            Have a smile day

Naturel remedy for cancer/ grapes seed will cured cancer 48 hours

Natural remedy for cancer....

Friday, May 6, 2016

Dalchini ka faitha in hindi

To know more on "Health Benefits of Dalchini in Hindi | दालचीनी के 10 स्वास्थ्य लाभ", दालचीनी का पौधा जितना छोटा है यह गुणें में उतना ही बड़ा है, यह कई खतरनाक बीमारियों से राहत दिला सकता है। इसे रक्‍तशोधक भी माना जाता है, इस स्‍लाइडशो में इसके गुणों के बारे में जानिए।


बहुत गुणकारी है दालचीनी

दालचीनी का पौधा जितना छोटा है इसके गुण उतने ही बड़े हैं। दालचीनी की सूखी पत्तियां तथा छाल को मसालों के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। इसकी छाल थोड़ी मोटी, चिकनी तथा हल्के भूरे रंग की होती है। दालचीनी मोटापा कम करने के साथ-साथ कई बीमारियों को भी दूर करता है। यह रक्तशोधक भी है। शहद तथा दालचीनी को मिलाकर दिल की बीमारियों, कोलेस्ट्रॉल, त्वचा रोग, सर्दी जुकाम, पेट की बीमारियों के लिए फायदेमंद है।


सर्दी जुकाम के लिए

सर्दी-जुकाम होने पर दालचीनी का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। एक चम्मच शहद में थोड़ा सा दालचीनी पाउडर मिलाकर सुबह-शाम लेने से खांसी-जुकाम में आराम मिलता है। हल्के गर्म पानी में एक चुटकी दालचीनी पाउडर तथा एक चुटकी पिसी काली मिर्च शहद में मिलाकर पीने से जुकाम तथा गले की खराश दूर होती है। इसके पाउडर को पानी के साथ मिलाकर पेस्ट बनाकर माथे पर लगाने से ठंडी हवा से होने वाले सिर दर्द में आराम मिलता है।


जोड़ों के दर्द के लिए

जोड़ो के दर्द को कम करने के लिए दालचीनी का प्रयोग कीजिए। हल्के गर्म पानी में दालचीनी पाउडर और थोड़े से शहद को मिलाकर शरीर में दर्द वाले अंग पर लगाकर हल्‍के हाथों से मालिश करने से फायदा होता है। एक कप हल्के गर्म पानी में एक चम्मच शहद और आधा चम्मच दालचीनी पाउडर मिलाकर पीने से भी जोड़ों के दर्द में राहत मिलती है।


त्वचा के रोगों में फायदेमंद

त्‍वचा की समस्‍या होने पर भी दालचीनी बहुत फायदेमंद है। त्वचा में खाज और खुजली होने पर दालचीनी पाउडर तथा शहद बराबर मात्रा में लेकर पेस्‍ट बना लें। इस पेस्‍ट को लगाने से त्‍वचा की यह समस्‍या दूर होती है। दालचीनी के पाउडर में थोड़ा सा नीबूं का रस मिलाकर चेहरे पर लगाने से कील मुंहासे दूर होते हैं।


पेट की समस्‍या

अपच जैसी पेट की समस्‍या होने पर दालचीनी का प्रयोग करने से आराम मिलता है। इसके अलावा दालचीनी के प्रयोग से उलटी तथा दस्त में आराम मिलता है। एक चम्मच शहद के साथ थोड़ा सा दालचीनी पाउडर मिलाकर लेने से पेट दर्द और एसिडिटी में आराम मिलता है तथा भोजन भी आसानी से पच जाता है और पेट की समस्‍या नहीं होती।


मोटापे के लिए

मोटे लोगों को भी दालचीनी का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। चाय में एक चम्मच दाल चीनी पाउडर मिलाकर एक गिलास जल में उबालें, फिर इसे उतारकर इसमें दो बड़े चम्मच शहद मिलाकर सुबह नाश्ते से लगभग आधा घंटा पहले पियें। ऐसा रात को सोने के पहले करें। नियमित ऐसा करने से शरीर की अनावश्यक चर्बी समाप्त होती है और अधिक केलोरी वाला भोजन लेने पर भी शरीर में चर्बी नहीं बढ़ती और वजन कम होता है।


दिल के मरीजों के लिए

शहद और दालचीनी के पाउडर का पेस्ट बनाकर रोटी के साथ खाने से धमनियों में कोलेस्‍टॉल जमा नहीं होगा और दिल के दौरे की संभावना को कम किया जा सकता है। जिन लोगों को पहले भी हार्ट अटैक दौरा पड़ चुका है वे अगर इस उपचार को करेंगे तो भविष्‍य में हार्ट अटैक की संभावना को कम कर सकेंगे।


बढ़ा हुआ कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल

बढ़े हुए कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल को कम करने के लिए दालचीनी का प्रयोग कीजिए। दालचीनी के दो बड़े चम्मच शहद और तीन चम्मच दालचीनी पावडर को हल्‍के गरम आधा लीटर पानी में मिलाकर लें। इससे सिर्फ 2 घंटे में खून का कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल का स्‍तर 10 प्रतिशत तक नीचे आ जाता है, और दिन में इसे तीन बार लेते रहने से बढ़ा हुआ कोलेस्‍ट्रॉल कम हो जाता है।


कैंसर में भी फायदेमंद

कैंसर जैसे घातक रोग के लिए भी दालचीनी फायदेमंद है। जापान और आस्ट्रेलिया के वैज्ञानिकों ने आमाषय और बोन कैंसर की बढ़़ी हुई स्थिति को दालचीनी और शहद का उपयोग करके इसे पूरी तरह काबू किया जा सकता है। कैंसर के रोगियों को एक बड़ा चम्मच शहद और एक चम्मच दालचीनी के पावडर को गरम पानी के साथ एक महीने तक लेने से आराम मिलता है।


अन्‍य बीमारियों के लिए

एक चम्मच शहद में थोड़ा सा दालचीनी पाउडर मिलाकर दांतों पर नियमित दो-तीन बार मलने से दांत दर्द में आराम मिलता है। तनाव होने पर शहद के साथ जरा सा पाउडर मिलाकर लेते रहने से आरा‍म मिलता है और स्मरण शक्ति भी तेज होती है। यह अस्थमा तथा लकवा में भी बहुत फायदेमंद है।


बहरापन दूर करें

शहद और दालचीनी पाउडर को बराबर मात्रा में मिलाकर एक-एक चम्‍मच सुबह और रात को लेने से सुनने की शक्ति बढ़ती है। कान से कम सुनाई देने की समस्‍या होने पर कान में दालचीनी के तेल की कुछ बूंदें डालने से आराम मिलता है।
Dr.alex ,


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sujok colour thrapy....


Su Jok Therapy - Onnuri Medicine

Each part of the human body is connected with its other parts and possesses their correspondences; as a result, an integral system of the body is created based on the similarity of Homo factors. It is these connections and interactions that finally ensure the process of existence termed life.

Su Jok Colour Therapy


For centuries it's been known that colours can dramatically affect our health, inner harmony and even our emotions. With the help of colour the medical effect can be got which the conventional West medicine cannot receive with traditional approaches.

Colour is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. As the light is absorbed and reflected we end up with different colours. Everything in nature is full of colour. Vibration forms everything in life. The universe is only the energy in vibration. Our body has energy fields (called charkas).

All of our organs are comprised of vibrating atoms. All of us have our own unique energy system and our organs have different vibrational patterns. We all emit colour.
Light has different particles called photons and microwaves. Light penetrates everything, even our bodies. Light also emits wavelengths that we cannot see (ultraviolet). These wavelengths contain radiation, which is energy. Energy is Qi and life. Now it is revealed that the length of a wave defines its colour. In our environment there is an enormous quantity of waves with different frequency characteristics.
Moreover, concrete frequency and colour corresponds to each organ. Having the electromagnetic nature the colour cooperates with the energetic structures of a human body, strengthening or suppressing their vibrations. Significant changes in energy structure of the person invariable entail changes at a physical level.


The method of colour therapy is based on the law of resonant colours interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body. There is a resonant interaction of zones of hands and feet (chakras energy points, acupuncture points of meridians and waves surrounding them) to similar frequency of a colour source (artificial or natural). The set of frequencies related to musical notes is an example how colours works. If you place two properly tuned guitars in the same room and pluck the A string on one guitar, the A string on the second guitar will also ring. This is because the sound frequency of the A note traveled across the room causing the resonant frequency of the A string on the second guitar to sound. Likewise, the body's organs have their own resonant frequencies related to the charkas and meridians. Hence, we can "tune " our bodies for optimal wellness through colour therapy by exposing our chakras and meridians to the specific colour needed. The light beam is as language of the organism cells which communicate with each other, and they do so via photons and microwaves. The colour scale promotes restoration of the energy balance broken by illness. Different colours give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions and consequently different disorders.
Coloured light can be used directly on the body's health and immuno strength, affecting the body and the emotions. It does not alter the material make up of the body, but rather the vibrational aspect, similar to homeopathy.
The treatment itself involves the application of coloured light to the acupuncture points on the skin with an instrument that resembles a simple pen light. It does not use needles or pierce the skin. Rather the colour sensitivity of acupuncture receptors on the skin is used to absorb the coloured light. Acupuncture meridians then channel healing information encoded in the light to targeted cells and the brain where it is needed.

On yogas' representation, every chakra depending on frequency of vibrations prevailing in it has own colour. The aura of the healthy person has pure colours. The mechanism of many illnesses is caused by infringement of colour (electromagnetic) harmony, mixture of colours, and also deficiency of the certain colour necessary for normal activity of the organs and mind-emotional condition of the person.

(RED) stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good colour to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a colour for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun. Spiritually it is the root colour of fire and connects us to our physical self.

(ORANGE )is the colour of joy and wisdom। It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good colour for illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the colour of joy. It connects us to our emotional self.

(YELLOW) is the solar plexus chakra. It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite and helps in digestive problems. Spiritually it is the colour of wisdom and connects us to our mental self.

(GREEN) affects the heart chakra. It has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. Green colour is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness. It is a good colour for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers. Since green stimulates growth, it should be avoided in cancers and other tumors. Spiritually it is the colour of love and connects us to perfect love.

(BLUE) is the colour for the throat chakra. It is a good colour in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good colour to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the colour of health and connects us to holistic thought.

(INDIGO) is the colour for healing of the brow chakra. It is a good colour for sinusitis, immunity problems, and all face problems. Too much of this colour can cause depression. Spiritually it is the colour of intuition and connects us to our unconscious self.

(VIOLET) is the colour of the crown chakra. It is cleansing, strengthening, and awakening, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment. It affects the skeletal system of the body. It is a good colour for improving immunity, cancerous conditions, and arthritis. It also purifies the system and is an excellent colour for headaches and migrains. Spiritually it is the colour of faith and connects us to our spiritual self.


You can practice some exercises to heal your chakras.

* Balancing the chakras. Take 7 clothes of different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Put violet cloth on the crown chakra. Place the rest clothes over your body at the appropriate chakra. Relax, and breathe deeply for 5 minutes. The body will absorb these colours and saturate the charkas, in that way the vibrations in your body will be balanced.

* With a deep breathing imagine that you breathe air into every part, every organ of your body.

This air is transformed then into different frequencies of energy. Inhale slowly though your nostrils and exhale through the mouth. Inhale and exhale to the count of 5. Place the tip of the tongue to the palate of the mouth during breathing. See and feel the air coming in at a certain colour. This exercise can be done for 10 minutes in the morning.

* This exercise is used when you feel that some basic colour needs stimulating. Water can be infused with the colour by placing water in coloured glasses and exposing the water for 3 hours to sunlight. The next day drink the water. Water can be also placed in the glass with the coloured paper over it and being exposed to the sunlight for 3 hours.

Colour therapy is a prolonged method of stimulation. This method of healing is carried out with the help of:

felt-tip pens,
colour varnishes,
colour pencils.

Treatment by colour can be performed on finger meridians,

on chakras, painting the certain points by the certain colour following the laws of colours interaction (and consequently, energies) and thus changing the energy potential (balance) both in the point,

and in all meridian, and, hence, in organ.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

TCM-Acupuncter 12-Major meridians

The Guide To The 12 Major Meridians of the Body

Meridians of the Body

Meridians of the body are undetectable to the naked eye yet we couldn’t live without them. They influence every organ and physiological system in the body. Meridians carry energy throughout the body; similar to the way the arteries carry blood. This energy is often referred to aschi, qi or prana.

Meridians of the body are responsible for all the body’s major organ systems: endocrine, nervous, circulatory, immune, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive and the lymphatic system. If the energy flowing through a meridian is imbalanced in any way the system it fuels is jeopardized and disease results.

Through the flow of energy, meridians bring balance to the body. They remove energetic blocks, excesses and imbalances, regulate metabolism and support cellular health. Their flow is as important as the flow of blood; your life and health rely on both.

★There are 12 major meridians in the body:

Lung meridian-(yin)
Large Intestine-(yang)
Spleen meridian-(yin)
Stomach meridian-( yang)
Heart meridian-(yin)
Small intestine meridian-( yang)
Urinary Bladder meridian-(yang)
Kidney meridian-(yin)
Pericardium (Circulation/Sex) meridian-( yin)
Triple Warmer meridian-( yang)
Liver meridian-(yin)
Gallbladder meridian-(yang)

These meridians of the body are in control of not only their corresponding organ, but also additional organs around them. They play a specific and crucial role in the health of the entire system. Energetic imbalances on either side, whether meridians are energy deficient or energy excessive causes problems for the organ systems they regulate. Balance is key in the body and the energy in the meridians is no different.

Lung meridian  (L)-11POINTS

The lungs are responsible for both respiration and the intake of energy. If an imbalance in the lung meridian occurs it leaves the body open to viral and bacterial infections, as well as perspiration and inflammation issues in the upper parts of the body, problems with the olfactory organs (nose/sense of smell) and adverse skin conditions.

Large intestine meridian(LI)-20POINTS

The large intestine extracts water from waste material and processes it before expelling it. An imbalance of energy in the large intestine meridian is responsible for all abdominal pains. On an emotional level, an imbalance in large intestine energy manifests itself in difficulty with holding on or letting go.

Spleen meridian(SP)-21POINTS

The spleen distributes nutrients throughout the body. Because of this it affects muscle and limb tone, controls digestion, and helps regulate the flow of blood within the blood vessels. Energetic imbalances in spleen energy result in: abdominal problems (diarrhea, constipation, bloating), lack of appetite, prolapsed internal organs, weak muscles and general fatigue. Imbalances in the spleen meridian can also cause brain fog and absentmindedness.

Stomach meridian(S)-45POINTS

All digestive issues can be traced back to the stomach. The stomach’s main responsibility is to digest food, extracting energy from it and distributing that energy to the spleen and intestines. An imbalance in stomach meridian energy can lead to feelings of worry, nervousness and a lack of acceptance.

Heart meridian(H)-9 POINTS

The heart distributes blood to all the organs in the body. An imbalance of energy in the heart meridian results in chest pains, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, hot flashes/cold sweats, irritability and insomnia. A healthy heart meridian allows for joy and bliss in one’s life, while an imbalance can lead to psychological problems like anxiety, depression and bi-polar disorder.

Small intestine meridian(SI)-19 POINTS

The small intestine is responsible for taking nutrients and energy that it has removed from food and distributing them throughout the body. An imbalance of small intestine energy causes poor circulation, weakness in the legs, always feeling cold, swollen lymph glands, sore/stiff shoulders, acne, nerve pain, poor digestion and stomach distention.

URINARY Bladder meridian(UB)-67 points

The bladder removes liquid waste from the body. An imbalance in the bladder meridian is responsible for stiffness in the neck and shoulders, headaches, back pains and all urinary diseases. Emotionally, an imbalance of bladder energy causes feelings of anger and an inability to express emotions.

Kidney meridian(K)-27POINTS

The kidneys store sexual energy. Because of this they also regulate the growth and development of the reproductive system. In addition, the kidneys are also responsible for the production of bone marrow and blood. Therefore, an imbalance in kidney energy causes genital-urinary disorders, as well as backaches, asthma and tinnitus. On an emotional level the kidney meridian controls willpower, determination and a person’s ability to cope.

Pericardium (Circulation/Sex) meridian(P)-9 POINTS

The pericardium is the area surrounding the heart. The pericardium protects and lubricates the heart and the pericardium meridian removes excess energy from around the heart. This is important because it disperses energy throughout the body preventing the heart from becoming over-energized.

Triple Warmer meridian
The triple warmer controls the body as a whole. Rather than being responsible for a particular organ system, it controls metabolism, heat/moisture balance and body temperature. Because the triple warmer is responsible for the whole body, an imbalance in triple warmer energy is associated with a wide range of disorders. An issue with any organ in the body is in some way associated to an imbalance in the triple warmer meridian

Liver meridian(Liv)-14POINTS

The liver stores energy and regulates its flow throughout the body. The liver meridian is also responsible for the female sexual cycle and menstruation and the flexibility of tendons and ligaments. And imbalance of liver energy causes menstrual disorders like PMS, dry skin, jaundice, dry eyes, blurred vision, vertigo, stiff joints and headaches. On and emotional level, an imbalance of energy in the liver meridian results in anger, irritability, depression and a lack of control and emotional flexibility.

Gallbladder meridian(GB)-44 POINTS

The gallbladder is responsible for storing and expelling bile produced by the liver. An imbalance of gallbladder energy causes bloating, liver pains and a yellow discoloration on the tongue, skin and in the urine.

Acupuncture points are commonly referred to when talking about meridians. Acupuncture points are “energy hotspots” or places along the meridian where energy collects, making the chi, qior prana more accessible there.

Acupuncture points can be manipulated to increase or decrease the flow of energy in a particular meridian. When energy flowing through the meridians is blocked these points can be accessed to clear blockages. When there is too much energy flowing through a meridian or energy is stagnating in the meridian, acupuncture points can disperse the surplus of energy. Eastern forms of healing, such as acupuncture, acupressure and Qi Gong are often used to relieve energetic imbalances.

Acupuncture and acupressure are very similar. They use the same points on the meridians in their healing, however, acupuncture accesses these points through needles while acupressure uses the less invasive technique of touch. Qi Gong is another form of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In qi gong meditation, breathwork and gentle movement cleanse and strengthen the meridians and the energy flowing through them.

Acupuncture, acupressure and qi gong are all forms of what Western medicine calls preventative medicine. This does not mean that these techniques cannot be used as treatments, in fact, these are some the primary forms of treatment used in Eastern medicine. Healings involving the cleansing and balancing of energy flow have begun to gain recognition and popularity in the West as well.

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