Thursday, February 23, 2017

Spleen- TCM

Traditional Chines Medicine-



1- The Spleen System in Chinese Medicine: functions and causes of imbalances.

The spleen is a fist sized organ located in the upper-left portion of the abdomen between the stomach and the diaphragm. The principle functions of the spleen have nothing to do with digestion (whereas the pancreas has quite a bit to do with digestion) and revolve around our immune and cardiovascular systems. The spleen is responsible for the removal of old red blood cells and the production and storage of white blood cells (lymphocytes) which will cleanse bacteria from the blood in the spleen and provide important tissue healing and other immune responses throughout our body. The spleen is functionally equivalent to a large lymph node with a focus on cleansing our blood and aiding immunity

2- TCM Spleen Functions

3- The 5 Element Theory: Earth

4- TCM Spleen Patterns 

5- TCM Spleen Food Cures

Soft and easy to digest food (mostly cooked), combined with St 36, Sp 3, Sp 6 and Rn 6 should boost Sp Qi and restore balance.

When extreme fatigue is due to Sp Qi def., the basic TCM treatments are Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (with Astragalus – Huang Qi to help boost and raise Qi), and the following acupuncture points St 36, Sp 6, Ren 6 and Du 20 (needled with the meridian to lift Qi).

6- The TCM Spleen Emotions: Worry and Over Thinking


7- The Spleen Meridian & Its Most Used Points in Clinical Practice. #AcupunctureRocks!

6- Some of the commonly used Spleen Acupuncture Points

SP 3 being a Yuan Source Point makes it the perfect acupuncture point to help the Transformation and Transportation function of the spleen in TCM. Great for malabsorption of nutrients, bloating, Stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and feeling sluggish.

Sp 4 is amazing to address any TCM blood issues, since it’s the Confluent point of the Chong meridian (Called the Sea of Blood).

SP 5 is a great point to treat SP Qi deficiency with Dampness such as diarrhea, fatigue, and abdominal distension. It also calms the mind and helps with speech disorders, and stiffness of the tongue post stroke.

SP 6: the Jack of all trades acupuncture point!
Because it crosses the Spleen, Kidney and Liver meridians, it can treat many conditions associated with all three organs.
– Digestive disorders: diarrhea, bloating…
– Organ prolapse.
– Menstrual issues (irregular, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding).
– Difficult labor.
– Insomnia and anxiety.
– Dizziness, hypertension.
Note: it is contraindicated during pregnancy until the last stage.

SP 9 rocks when it comes to too much dampness!
Great for any swelling in the body, cysts, bloating, nausea, loose stools or diarrhea, runny nose, or sinusitis. And of course, avoiding diet high in sweets, dairy and greasy foods can also reduce dampness.

SP 10 is fantastic for all issues due to Heat in the Blood!
Invigorates and moves the Blood, cools the Blood, benefits the skin (for rashes, eczema and allergic reaction, with red and hot symptoms), regulates menstruation, and benefits the Lower Jiao (bladder infections, genital outbreaks).

SP 21: The major Luo connecting Point.
Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia. Needling the tender points, and adding SP 21 which is the best point for muscle soreness all over, will result in a great outcome.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


What is quantum thinking?

Quantum-ThinkingQuantum-thinking is the ability of the mind to function at a higher level of creativity and innovation. This level of thinking allows one to accurately envision the next generation products, services, and modes of operation. It involves a shift from linear thinking to higher-order holistic thinking

★What is Quantum Cognition?

Quantum cognition is an emerging field which applies the mathematical formalism of quantum theory to model cognitive phenomena such as information processing by the human brain, decision making, human memory, concepts and conceptual reasoning, human judgment, and perception.

★What is the M theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile gravity and quantum mechanics. In string theory, the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.

★What is the theory of quantum physics?

Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. The nature and behavior of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fasting is miracal

Fasting Cleanses, Renews and Rejuvenates

Our bodies have a natural self-cleansing for maintaining a
clean, healthy body and our "river of life" – our blood. It’s essential
we keep our entire bodily machinery from head to toes healthy
and in good working order so nothing breaks down!

Fasting is the best detoxifying method. It's also the most
effective and safest way to increase elimination of waste buildups
and enhance the body's miraculous self-healing and self-repairing
process that keeps you healthy and youthful.

If you prepare for a fast by eating a cleansing diet for 1 to 2
days, this can greatly facilitate the cleansing process. Fresh variety
salads and organic vegetables, fruits and their juices, as well as
fruit pep drinks and green drinks (alfalfa, barley green, chlorella,
spirulina, wheatgrass, etc.) stimulates waste elimination.

foods and juices can literally pick up dead matter from your
body and dispose of it.

After pre-cleansing period start your fast.
Daily, even on most fast days, we take from1,000 to 3,000
mg. of mixed vitamin C powder (C concentrate, acerola, rosehips
and bioflavonoids) in liquids.

It’s a potent antioxidant and
flushes out deadly free radicals. It also promotes collagen
production for new healthy tissues and it’s also important if you
are detoxifying from prescription drugs or alcohol overload.

A moderate, well planned distilled water fast is our favorite
or the introductory fast of diluted fresh juice (35% distilled

Both can cleanse your body of excess mucus, old fecal
matter, trapped cellular, non-food wastes and help remove
inorganic mineral deposits and sludge from your pipes and joints.

Fasting works by self-digestion. During a fast your body
intuitively will decompose and burn only the substances and
tissues that are damaged, diseased or unneeded, such as abscesses,
tumors, excess fat deposits, excess water and congestive wastes.

Even a short fast (1 to 3 days) will accelerate elimination from
your liver, kidneys, lungs, bloodstream and skin. Sometimes you
will experience dramatic changes (cleansing and healing crisis)
as accumulated wastes are expelled.

With your first fasts you
may temporarily have cleansing headaches, fatigue, body odor,
bad breath, coated tongue, mouth sores and even diarrhea as
your body is cleaning house. Please be patient with your body!
After a fast your body begins to healthfully rebalance when
you faithfully follow The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle.

Your weekly
24 hour fast removes toxins on a regular basis, so they don't

Your energy levels will rise and shine – physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Your creativity expands.

You will feel like a "new you" – which you are – you are being
cleansed, purified and reborn.

Fasting is a miracle!

Zang & Fu organs

TCM Organs:

The concept of organs in TCM is entirely different from that of contemporary western medicine.

Category of Organs:

The organs in TCM are grouped into two categories they are Zang and Fu. 

★Zang – are otherwise call as Yin organs, they are generally more physically solid in nature. Fu – are otherwise call as Yang organs, they are generally hallow in nature. 

Zang & Fu Organs

Zang organ with Yin energy are generally more solid nature involve in regulation, manufacture and storage of fundamental substances.

The organs come under this category are kidney, liver, heart (pericardium), spleen and lungs.

Fu organs with Yang energy are generally hallow in nature involve in receiving, separating, distributing, and excreting substances.

The organs come under this category are stomach, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and san jiao.

★Zang organ Liver & Fu organ Gallbladder -

Element: Wood,
Sense: Eye,
Manifest: Nails,
Emotion: Anger, and
Functions: Maintaining potency of Qi, Blood Storage & Maintain Qi flow. Emotional disturbances such as depression or anxiety cause liver dysfunction and liver problem causes emotional disturbances.

Symptoms of liver hyperactive are insomnia, dizziness, and vertigo. Sign and symptoms of liver Qi stagnation are distending chest, hypochondria pain, depression, getting anger easily and indigestion.

Symptoms of liver deficiency are numbness of the limbs and joints.

Symptoms of liver heat are convulsion of the four limbs, and clenching of the teeth.

Symptoms of liver yin & blood deficiency are eye dryness, blurred vision (or night blindness) and nail become soft, thin, crack and even deformed.

Symptoms of liver wind heat are red, painful and swollen eyes.

★Zang organ Heart & Fu organ Small Intestine -
Element: Fire,
Sense: Tongue,
Manifest: Face,
Tissue: Vessel,
Emotion: Joy, and
Functions: Dominate the vessels, blood circulation & house the mind. If the heart is strong, the pulse is regular & strong and the face will be rosy. When the heart Qi and blood is deficient, the pulse is weak and thread-pulse and again the face will be pale.

★Zang organ Spleen & Fu organ Stomach

- Element: Earth,
Sense: Mouth,
Manifest: Lips,
Tissue: Muscle,
Emotion: Anxiety, and
Functions: Govern digestion, absorb nutrients and produce Qi & blood.

With normal Spleen function, there is a good appetite and taste.

Symptoms of spleen Qi deficiency are anemia, abdominal distension, poor appetite, lassitude, loose stools, blood in stool, emaciation, uterine bleeding, malnutrition, weakness of muscles & limbs, pale lips, sticky tongue and poor taste. 

★Zang organ Lungs & Fu organ Large Intestine -

Element: Metal,
Sense: Nose,
Manifest: Throat,
Tissue: Skin,
Emotion: Sorrow, and
Functions: Control Qi, respiration and distribution of blood & body fluid. Symptoms of lung Qi deficient are feeble speech, weak respiration, shortness of breath and general lassitude.

If lung qi fails to descend and instead ascends, then the signs of stuffy chest, cough asthma, etc.

★Zang organ Kidney & Fu organ Urinary Bladder -

Element: Water,
Sense: Ears,
Manifest: Head hair,
Tissue: Bone,
Emotion: Fear, and
Functions: Stores essence, control reproduction & development, govern water metabolism, receive Qi, produce marrow, and produce blood. Kidney houses both yin (fluid - essence) and yang (warm - Qi) considering as the house of water and fire. Symptoms of kidney yin deficiency are 5-palm heat (heat in chest, palms and soles), afternoon fever, night sweats, male seminal emission and female sexual dysfunction. Symptoms of kidney yang deficiency are coldness, lumbar region pain, knee pain, cold limbs, male impotence and female infertility. Symptoms of kidney qi deficiency are tinnitus and or deafness. The blood and kidney Qi nourish the hair. Its luster or withering, density or scarcity, color and grasping are directly relate to the health of the kidney Qi.



Yin & Yang organs

Interier and Exterier relationship
classified on Yin &Yang Organs

what are the yin yang organs? 

The yin organs include the [liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys]. The [pericardium] is sometimes considered a sixth yin organ. The function of the yin organs is to produce, transform, regulate and store fundamental substances such as qi, blood, and body fluids. In general, yin organs do not have empty cavities.

★The six yang organs are made up of the [gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder and triple burner]. The triple burner does not have a physical structure and is considered a functional unit.

The yang organs are mainly responsible for digesting food and transmitting nutrients to the body. Usually, yang organs are organs with empty cavities. 

In TCM, the physiological functions of the body are based on harmonious relationships between yin and yang organs.

Central to these relationships is the interior and exterior relationship theory, which states the interior belongs to yin and the exterior belongs to yang.

Hence, yin organs are thought to have more internal functions and are called interior organs. They tend to play a more important role in TCM medical theory and practice. The yang organs, on the other hand, are believed to have more external functions and are considered exterior organs.